Salihu Muhammed
3 min readMay 25, 2022

So let us talk about Fuji again, for all who might not have seen my previous article on FUJI this one will serve as a summary of everything FUJI is about and for those that have read the articles it will serve as a refresher, so this is basically an overview of FUJI COMPANY.


First and foremost, what is FUJI? well FUJI is an investment hub, market place, a startup accelerator/incubator and a business community, all in all FUJI is a full fledged investment platform where all or virtually all your investment or business needs can be met.


For budding investors that have little to no experience FUJI has made it easy by providing three pools for investment, based on their level of risk. These are the ICO, IDO, and Staking Pools, arranged from most risky to least risky, and it should be common knowledge that the higher the risk the higher the potential gains.


This is a market where the entrepreneurs of startups and investors can meet and make life changing partnerships and decisions. To make these interactions easier, the native token of FUJI, $FJT is used to make all investments and it also has all the advantages of a normal crypto currency


This accelerator or incubator as I like to call it helps startups find investors on the fuji platform, it saves them all the headache and stress of looking for investors, as long as you have an interesting and relevant idea you can easily find what you need to take your idea or business to the next level, be it investors or a skilled team of experts.


FUJI provides a supporting community for businesses to find what they are missing in terms of a skilled team or investors, and it pprovidesrovides a platform where you can share ideas and experience with other teams and like minded people even if you have a team of your own already. There is also a blog where you can share ideas, express your opinions, develop your skills and gain more knowledge.


Unlike a lot of platforms out there that have restrictions depending on the country of origin, that is not the case with FUJI, no matter your territorial affiliations, political leanings, religion, or other contentious views, your usage of the FUJI COMPANY platform will not be restricted.

On the FUJI platform apart from their native token $FJT, you can store and use USDT and TRX to invest in real sector startups, ICO, IDO and IEO, as well as making spot transactions. They are also currently working on enabling more cryptocurrencies, which are to come sometime in the near future. They are also launching many new services, aiming to connect new blockchain networks.

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