Salihu Muhammed
3 min readMay 17, 2022

At one time or the other a lot of us have thought about how to supplement our income and have another income source that will be bringing in extra cash, and an ideal way would be investment, the major reason being that with investment the income is passive you do not have to do any other work than putting money down in the first place.

With the advent of crypto currencies, the possibility of earning passive income increased with crypto giving even higher returns than traditional investments.

But with crypto the same as traditional investment opportunities the risk factor is present, I would say with crypto that the risk factor is even higher with liquidation possible within a matter of hours in some cases, the current price of LUNA can be an example. Even though investing is inherently risky the level of risk can be assessed and mitigated with sufficient knowledge, but it takes time to acquire the amount of knowledge required to do that feasibly, and losses will be acquired along the way.


This is where FUJI COMPANY comes to the rescue, because with their team of investment experts, they have done all the grunt work for you, all the time consuming analysis and research into investment opportunities in the crypto world have been carried out and the grain has been separated from the husk.

That is not the only thing, they have separated each and every viable investment opportunity into three separate pools with differing risk levels, so all that is left for you to do is select which risk level appeals to you and that you can easily stomach.


The three pools FUJI COMPANY have based on risk levels are; ICO Pool, IDO Pool, and the STAKING Pool, these Pools are arranged from the most risky to the least risky.

  • ICO POOL: in this pool the investor delegates his FJT tokens to the ICO pool, the delegated FJT is used by FUJI COMPANY as a management company to invest in ICOs that are part of its projects portfolio. The FJTs can be delegated over a set period of 3, 6 or 12 months. As this is the pool with the highest risk factor, it is of course the one with the highest gains to be realised.
  • IDO POOL: after the investor has delegated the amount of FJT she is willing to risk, the FUJI COMPANY distributes the funds in the pool to upcoming IDOs through their partner exchanges. Due to the partnership and large amount of funds used, FUJI receives priority allocation at the exit point of IDOs, this allows for a higher return on investment with relatively restrained risks. The same as the ICO pool the FJTs are delegated over a period of 3, 6 or 12 months, the amount you receive will be determined by the length of delegation time.
  • STAKING POOL: as with the other pools the investor delegates her FJT for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months, this is to keep the Fuji network up and running at the company’s upcoming listing, this pool The staking pool operates on the basis of the DPos smartcrack, with a guaranteed return of 1–10% which is determined by the period of delegation. Since this is the pool that has the lowest risk factor it also has the lowest gains.

Although FUJI COMPANY has done all the grunt work, and increased the chance of success in investment it is poignant to note that investment is still not a 100% sure science.




