With the way the world’s economy is now a days having an alternative source of income is necessary, but it must be something that is not stressful and does not change the way your day goes dramatically, and with the advent of crypto currency and blockchain technology, that has become easier but with the high volatility of the crypto market investing in a project is not for the faint hearted, since money can be lost as quickly as it is made.
That is where play to earn comes, what do most people of all ages do, play games, so it was not a far stretch of the imagination before someone combined the two, the ease of access of crypto and the fun and enjoyment inherent in playing games.
That was what gave birth to blockchain games, a way for people to make money while not altering their schedules that much, because most people play games to cool down after a stressful day at work or school, or just for the fun of it, but also providing a new source of income.
So where does FUNNY GAME WORLD the topic of this article come in you might ask, well the thing is people nowadays tend to have short attention spans, and they need to be continuously stimulated or they will get bored quickly, that is where a lot play to earn games fall short, no variety just the same thing over and over, but with FUNNY GAME WORLD as the name suggests is a world of different games that are tailored to catch and grab your attention, so you have a large choice to pick from and stave away boredom.
The games on the FUNNY GAME WORLD app are brain engaging, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and dispositions, be you old or young, there is something for you.
The funny game world app is already available for download on google play store for android users, but do not despair because it will be released on other platforms in the future.
So when you download the app the first thing you do is register (duh!)After that you need to buy some $FGW, this is the native token of funny game world, as you will not be able to start earning rewards from the game and connect your wallet (where you have the $FGW).
The rewards are paid out in $FGW, so the amount of $FGW you use to play the game and the amount of time spent playing are also determinants of how much you play alongside how far you get in the game (how many levels you clear).
The games will restart everyday, this is to give everyone a fair chance of earning and to make the payouts sustainable, since people that started early will be earning significantly higher in let us say a year’s time even if they only pay a little if it does not restart.
You can earn as much as 300% of the amount of $FGW you started the game with, lovely right.
$FGW has a total supply of 1 Trillion, yeah that is a lot and it will enable the reward pool to continue giving out rewards for a long time, but no matter how large something is it will inevitably come to an end, but the funny game world team has come up with an infinite loop to supply the reward pool, and no this does not include minting new tokens as this will mess with the market and cause a reduction in the price of the token since there will be too much $FGW in circulation.
It involves the trading fees, which come in at a low 3% because why?, they want you to make money and not take a large chunk of your rewards. So all 3% goes into the reward pool, hence the infinite loop.
#FGW #FunnyGameWorld #crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #bounty #binance #eth #token #coinsbit
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