Everybody in this day and age knows the tension that is caused by looking for an alternative source of income, depending on the type of work and the amount of free time you have, the ability to source for another stream of income might be more feasible or more impractical. You would usually use this time to rewind, relax and get some more needed reprieve from the helter skelter nature of life.
The way you do that depends entirely on what suits you the most, for me and a lot of people, that is playing games.
But a lot of people still despair of the fact that they can’t make more money, but here comes FUNNY GAME WORLD to the rescue, it’s a Play to Earn, that consists of simple fun and easy to play games.
From their motto, simple fun and profitable, you can guess the whole premise of the project and what its aim is to do, make, create, and develop fun games that are easy to play, relaxing and also a source of alternate income for the users of Funny Game World.
The only thing one has to do to start enjoying all the benefits of funny game world is to;
- download the app, which is available on both the apple app store and the android play store
- Register your account on the funny game world app
- Connect your wallet to the funny game world app
- You deposit your pre owned FGW token into the system, the amount you deposit into the app will determine your earning level
- After you've started making gains from the game, you can withdraw them after a vesting period of 30 days
- So as not to cause inflation, if the original amount deposited is withdrawn the profits recievedn will be burned
- To lubricate the ecosystem and make everything work as it should, after deposits are withdrawn you wont be able to play unless you deposit further funds
- To make it easier in players you can save your progress and pick up where you left off later in the day
- At the end of the day in this case in the wee hours of the morning at 0300 UST, the game is reset and starts again from the very first level
From the steps above you can see that the team behind the funny game world care about the ease and comfort to which thier users can access their app easily and make the experience as simple and fun as possible while still allowing them to earn at their ease and comfort all from their phones
The premise behind funny game world is simplicity and nothing too complex, with this they plan to liberate people from their financial woes, while not making them any more stressed out than they actually are, but reduce the stress they feel from their day to day goings on, by me this is a lofty goal, and funny game world is going to revolutionise the way people think about games and play 2 earn in general
#FGW #FunnyGameWorld #crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #bounty #binance #eth #token #coinsbit
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Telegram username: @gloopina