Salihu Muhammed
4 min readApr 12, 2022

So we all know that the best type of money is stress free money, and the reason why a lot of us both crypto enthusiasts and non crypto enthusiasts in the past kept money in traditional financial institutions was the interest that was payed at the end of the year for having a certain amount of money in your account for a certain period of time, but over time as people started having more faith in traditional banks, the incentive to draw more customers was lost, and the interest rate (incentive for saving) that was paid dropped, whereas to keep money in a bank now depending on the country, has no gain, in fact sometimes quite the opposite might happen, in situations where inflation is higher than the interest rate.

Enter crypto currency and DeFi, where depending on the platform the APY you get on providing Liquidity in their pools can get you serious gains in the long, medium and in some cases the short term, Ah finally a solution to the passive income problem, or so a lot of people thought, the problem with this that I see is the problem of volatility especially with new coins and platforms, as they provide the highest APY, but this comes with considerable risk, since the price of the token might tank, and even though you are receiving a lot of the token, what’s the point if it doesn’t have value any more, this has made or broken some people, depending on the way the market swung.

You might also argue that oh if you can’t take the risks of volatility then choose a liquidity pair that has a stable coin in it, the nature of these coins are meant to be sturdy and reassuring in their prices, oh yes they might fluctuate, but it is not the massive dips and spikes of let’s say BTC, if they’re dropping it’s like a petal dropping from the branches of a tree in a gentle summer breeze, if its getting past your comfort zone you can still cut your losses, unlike the raging hurricane that can be the price of some coins. But the fact is it still drops in value, no matter how stable the price can and will most likely still fall.

But, but, but Hotfries is bringing a solution, they’re making a whole new asset class, and they’re calling it “STABLE PROGRESSIVE COIN”, what does this mean you might ask, it is a coin according to their tokenomics and price equations that based on the way it is set up, can not depreciate but always go up up up, and increase in value.

How do they plan to achieve this you might ask, “To make that possible we use an Elastic Infinite Supply protocol and fees-based system. At Hotfriescoin No coins are minted (created) out thin air. Coins are minted ( created), when they are bought with a stablecoin (BUSD) and coin are burnt (destroyed) when they sold for exchange of stablecoin (BUSD).”

This basically means that the supply is infinite, but also pegged to the demand so that at any given time the supply will always be at the optimum level to satisfy the demand for Hotfries coin, so there can be NO situation in which the demand is lower than the supply, and therefore depreciation can not set in.

All this is wonderful and all but how do they even plan to build the demand and will to keep the tokens in the first place, if you cast your mind back to the beginning of the article where I ranted for a while about the inefficiency of earning with the traditional banking system, and the risk involved in some DeFi platforms, well they have an ingenious solution

1. Coupled with the stability that their coin offers a percentage of the revenue generated on all products built on HFC will be shared back to all holders, without having to farm or provide Liquidity, just having the token in your wallet, which can be an APR of up to 584% yearly and above.

2. Another smart thing they’re going to do is share the transaction fee (10%) on all transactions in an 80/20 ratio with the 80 going back and being shared by all HFC holders and the 20 to the Hotfriescoin treasury.

If you want to DYOR here’s a link to their website:

So after all the jargons I spewed above the major ADVANTAGE is that all you have to do is buy and hold, buy and hold, and you’ll be getting your passive income simple as that.

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BEP 20 Address: 0x45f0372a621D0fd94b447C4D045aae25888f36FE

